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宜蘭不老部落一日(Bulaubulau Aboriginal Village) 下

Posted by on 2012 年 11 月 15 日

(差點忘了標語 : 飲酒過多有害健康)
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喝過茶休息一下之後, 就會帶大家去參觀一下村子, 首先就是釀酒的地方. 我們才走到門口就看到兩壺正泡在山泉水中冷卻的小米酒.
After a short break, host gave us a guide tours around the village. the first place we visited is brewery.
Outside of the brewery, there were 2 pots of millet wine in pool.

既然要維持傳統, 所以一定要用純小米來釀, 且用手工處理. 在這邊可以喝一點新鮮的小米酒, 今天剛剛好還有水果配呢.
Since they wanna keep the traditions, the wine must be made by hand and pure millet. They also provided some small sample of fresh millet wine for taste.

接下來, 我們去的是織布區, 他們在附近的部落中找女孩子來學傳統的織布法, 一方面可以賺一點生活費, 一方面也可以把技藝傳承下去
Next station is the weaving mill. They call some young girls who from those villages around this area to learn the traditions way of weaving. In this way, the weaving traditions will pass down, also those girls could make some money to cover some family expenses.

可別小看這一球線, 一個人可得揉一個月才有這一球.
Do you know one small scoop of flaxen thread will take 1 month/person to finish?

成品很多樣, 從幸福繩到手機帶都有. 我覺得還可以更多樣一點一定可以賣更好.
So, they have many different products, such as lucky ring, coaster, and straps for camera or cell phone etc. I think they should keep working on more different products.

參觀的最後一佔是他們的家, 是別人家裡我就沒拍照了. 但是如我所說, 絕對可比高檔渡假Villa.
接下來就是回去餐廳用餐啦, 一直到這邊我都還很期待呢!
Last station is someone’s house, so I didn’t take any pictures here. As I said, It’s comparable with a 5 star hotel.
Finally, we want back to the restaurant for lunch, I was really expecting that.

大家坐下後, 先上來的小點是花生. 擺盤很讚吧!
Some starter here, peanut with very nice dressing.

這邊配的酒是氣泡小米酒, 不過真的沒有這多氣泡啦. 味道稍微淡一點點.
They provided a different millet wine — the air bubble millet wine. well, not really lot of air bubble la. but taste not bad.

接下來上的是紅地瓜配薑片佐玫瑰鹽 – 這種吃法很特別, 主要是因為這邊冷又濕, 所以很多薑配菜變成很正常.
1st course is red yam with ginger slice – this is interesting, the host said the major reason is because of cold weather.

下一道是龍鬚菜, 配上薑片包螺肉與剝皮蕃茄 – 龍鬚菜跟剝皮蕃茄都不錯, 但薑片包螺肉我不是很喜歡.
2nd course is Chayote vine, tomato, and conch wrap by ginger slice – Chayote vine and tomato were ok, but I don’t like conch.

接下來就是現烤香菇啦~ 不過這樣單烤真的不好吃..
3rd course is roast mushrooms, but roast without BBQ source wasn’t that taste..

因為參加的是某Bloger辦的團, 在用餐時就有一些互相介紹的活動. 到吃完這道後就開始些大地遊戲啦.
活動結束後, 就換一種小米酒 – 這是正常在喝的那種. 很甜很好喝, 不過後勁強.
下一道是魚, 不過這是村裡的人養殖的就是了. 旁邊葉子包起來的是類似粽子的東西. 我不愛吃魚所以不評論.
This activity is hosted by a bloger, so there was some group activities to know each others.
After that, they changed wine to the regular one. I like this one, sweat but strong.
4th course is fish and Zongzi. This fish is from one of the family’s fish farm. I don’t like to eat fish so no comment on this.

這可能是我最愛的一道 – 燉紅/白蘿蔔, 香菇, 地瓜與菜, 好吃啊!
5th course is my favor one. stew radish, mushrooms, yam and some vegetables.

吃完這道後, 就請大家到隔壁讓他們整理桌子. 我想這本來是有排活動只是因為下大雨所以作罷. 這時我發現了烤肉的地方, 真香..
After this, we must left table to other room. they’ll clean the table. But I think this session was for some other group activities. They just cancelled it due to the heavy rain. Then, I found the BBQ place…

等了幾分鐘後我們被請回桌子, 桌上已經清乾淨且換上新的酒了. 這次的是比較重的小米酒, 味道比較接近清酒.
主菜有兩種, 竹雞跟豬肋排. 竹雞肉真的好少, 對我這個正在換假牙不能啃的人來說真的吃不到啥東西..
After few mins, we back to the table, we got new wine again. this one is even heavier, taste like Sake.
There is 2 different main course : chicken or ribs.
Chicken is Chinese Bamboo Partridge, it tasted good but it doesn’t have much meat. so it’s hard to eat especially for someone like me who have a temporary artificial tooth.

這個肉不是山豬肉, 而是這邊飼養的黑毛豬. 雖然沒有了山豬那種黏牙的感覺. 但還是不讓人覺得好吃..
OK, then I should love the BBQ ribs. But they used The Large Black pig instead of boar. the meat of boar is very sticky and oily. but The meat of large black pig is not. With the way they cook, It just not match…

最後, 我最愛的就是這碗湯了吧, 最少用柴火熬了4小時以上的排骨湯頭. 讚啊..
In the end, I think the best course is this soup. The soup with spareribs, pumpkin inside and cooked over 4 hours by firewood. I’d say it’s not just nice..

最後要下山前, 全部的人都來這邊唱一首歌給大家, 算是一天的結束嚕
Before we finished our long lunch, all workers sung a song to us as the end of today.

在這邊時, 酒是無限暢飲的. 來這邊很少有人是沒一點醉意下山的. 所以最好不要自已開車來.以免酒後開車肇事.
如果喜歡, 這邊也有一些自製的農產紀念品可以帶回家.
我們去的這天天氣不好, 很多原本預定的活動都沒辦理進行是很可惜. 不然聽說是有機會去獵場走走.
總結就是服務部份的SOP與訓練做的相當好. 但吃的部份讓我有些失望,煮出來的東西就是沒法讓我說好吃.
另一個比較可惜的就是不老還沒有辦法開放遊客過夜, 希望有一天有機會可以在裡面過夜. 感受一下低汙染的環境嚕.
Because you can drink as much as you want here, please don’t drink and drive.
And if you like, there are some souvenirs you can buy, such as millet wine.
It’s really unlucky due to the bad weather, so we couldn’t go other place such as their hunting ground.
Overall, the service and design are very good, but food is a little bit disappointed me.
I hope they’ll provide a B&B there in one day, then I’ll go again!

不老部落 Bulaubulau Aboriginal Village
Official website :
Address : 267 宜蘭縣大同鄉華興巷46號


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