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無責任美食評鑑 – Lobster Shack Redwood City

Posted by on 2012 年 10 月 1 日

本周來跳脫一下義大利好了, 來介紹一間在矽谷的海鮮餐廳.
Let’s get out of Italy this week, I’ll show you a seafood restaurant in Silicon Valley here.

這間看名字就知道是以龍蝦出名, 來的人自然就是為了吃龍蝦來的.
28塊多一隻龍蝦, 說起來似乎不算很貴(?)..
Lobster Shack – you’ll know their lobster is the best from name.
No doubt, most people come here for the lobster.
And I won’t think 28.x dollars for 1 lobster is expansive..

可別小看這間店, 要不是我們提早來, 不然可還不一定會有位置呢!
If you wanna have a seat in dinner time, you better come early.

我們到的時候已經開始在排隊了, 只是也不是很懂是自己要找位置坐然後點餐還是買完後再找位置. 於是我們就先佔位在派人去點餐啦!
There was a small queue already when we arrived, we didn’t know if we need to order first.
So, we just grabbed a seat first. You’ll feel that this is a real American restaurant from their decoration.

They also gave you a very cute scarf.

先拿到的是飲料, 基本上碳酸飲料跟茶是可以無限續的啦!
Basically, soft drink and tea can refill.

不知道為啥那天很想喝湯, 不過點了才想起來美國的濃湯跟本不是我愛喝的那種..
不過這道很紮實啦, 喜歡喝濃湯類的人可以點來喝.
I didn’t know why I really wanna get some soup on that day.
I forget that I don’t like the way they make the soup.
But it is a good one if you like creamy soup.

OK, Caesar Salad.

My nephews’s favor food…

這就是我今天的主餐 – 龍蝦三明治
不過真的太多了, 一個就讓你吃到想吐, 重點是我不喜歡肉是冷的…
One of our main course – Lobster sandwich.
To be honest, I don’t like cold seafood at all…

接下來才是本日主角 — 龍蝦乙隻!
看到那個玉米的對照尺了吧, 這個大概四個人分都不是問題. 實在太可怕了啊!!!!!!
Then, the main course — one lobster!
It’s huge, right? I’d said this can be shared by 4 person!!

我並不是很愛吃海鮮的人, 加上肉是冷的所以更不愛吃了. 我覺得我只能給60分.
不過看到外面排隊的盛況, 我想愛吃的人應該就是很愛吧.
I’m not a big fans of seafood, especially if the meat is cold.
Personally, I can only give this restaurant a 60 over 100.
Look at the queue in outside, I think if you love seafood, you’ll love it.
Website [LINK]

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