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宜蘭不老部落一日(Bulaubulau Aboriginal Village) 上

Posted by on 2012 年 11 月 6 日

大概是下雨所以忘了拍全景, 只好拿這張來頂一下了..
I forgot to take a phone for entire village. So this one is the only pictures with most of building inside.

不老部落其實是一個成立大約8年的新泰雅族部落. 成立的宗旨就是希望用新的商業模式讓年輕人能夠留在部落, 並將部落的一些傳統與文化保留下來.
目前只開放每日最多30人上山, 且不接受散客. 所以要能成行還真是不簡單!
這天我們先從台北搭遊覽車到宜蘭寒溪, 因為部落是在溪對面的山中. 所以要改搭吉普車上去.
Bulaubulau Aboriginal Village is a young Atayal tribe, only 8 years history. The gold for they who built this tribe is to find a new business module and keep the young generation staying in tribe. Also, this will also help on keep up the culture and traditions.
The village only allow 10~30 people to visit per day, and only accept group tour. kind of hard to apply.
This day, we took a bus from Taipei to HanShi township, then swatch to Jeep from here.

我們到時,車子也已經在等我們了. 可惜今天天氣不是很好..
When we arrived, the Jeeps were waiting there, but the weather was pretty bad today..

因為只有吊橋過河, 所以車子得走在河床, 這算是我第一次off road?
The village is located in another side of river, but they don’t have a bridge for car. We need to go off road!!!!

經過一段山路後(真的只有4×4可上), 會抵達部落下方的養菇場. 從這邊就開始用走的了, 順便介紹這邊的環境.
We arrived the mushroom farmland near village after some real bad road(I’m sure you’ll need a 4×4 car for that). Start from here, we walked to village with guide from village. He also gave us a guide tour about the way they live.

這時會讓大家在養菇場摘一些香菇等等去吃. 帶路的嚮導背的竹簍很帥吧!
At mushroom farmland, you could pluck some mushroom as lunch if you want. (Is the bamboo basket awesome?)

這邊就是上山的小徑啦, 一路上還有補竹雞的陷阱. 可別不小心碰到了.
This is the footpath to village, they setup many traps for catching up the chicken. Don’t touch it!

這樣差不多走10分鐘左右就會抵達部落, 抵達時旁邊就會看到一排的頭骨, 不過現在當然都是獸骨啦..
It’s about 10 mins walk to village, you’ll see a list of skulls there. Don’t worry, those are not human’s skulls..

一上去時真的會很驚豔, 沒想到這個部落整理的這麼漂亮, 原來有人是做建築設計相關的工作呢!
不老部落中的建築都是用傳統的蓋法蓋的, 不過第一次蓋好時就被颱風刮壞了, 才變成現在屋頂斜一邊樣子, 也算是改良後的傳統建築吧.
I felt pretty shocked when I saw the village, it’s really beautiful place. They built the building in traditions way, but the first building was crushed by typhoon. They made a improvement on the structure, that’s why all root are slanted.

部落的後面還有他們自己的住家與養雞, 種田, 釀酒與織布的地方.
Behind the main building, there are several other building as their home, chicken farm, brewery and weaving mill.

比如說這個廁所, 整體感覺跟我之前去馬來西亞的高檔渡假飯店沒有差很多了.
My personal opinions is that the level of hardware of this village is able to beat some 5 star village abroad. For example this restroom, the entire design is very close to some Resort where I’ve been to in Malaysia.

廚房的旁邊放著今天採收下來的有機疏菜, 也就是等等我們要吃的東西啦~
Those vegetables were our lunch. very green and fresh!

這時大家都到啦, 於是就招呼我們進屋先喝一點熱茶與吃一點小點-烤肉, 這肉是醃過的, 然後自己烤來吃. 味道很特別.
OK, we started from some hot tea/millet wine and BBQ. This BBQ is different than the BBQ we usually had, taste interesting, a Atayal favor maybe.

後面還很長, 先寫到這邊好了. 下次就會去參觀釀酒場跟織布廠. 當然還有餐嚕!
I stop here now, next post will bring us to brewery and weaving mill.
Of course, our big lunch!

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